Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Archive for September 2009

Comedy Begins at Home

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Finally! After months of travelling to get my funny on, I enjoyed two weekends of entertainment in my own city. My car thanks me.

On September 13, I  hitched a ride with someone else to the Cintas Center to see Demetri Martin. Two words: pure bliss.

I have loved Demetri’s comedy for a long time and was so happy I finally got to see him perform live. I even got myself stoked for the show by seeing Taking Woodstock the week before.

Not exactly the best showcase for Demetri’s hilarity, but it was a good movie.
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Written by suzemusings

September 23, 2009 at 5:13 am

Polk-ing Fun at Suzemusings

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I said goodbye to summer on Labor Day weekend much the same way I said hello to it back on Memorial Day weekend—by having my butt in a seat and seeing Arj Barker perform live. What better way to bookend the best season of all than with some Arj on both ends (that’s what she said)?

Of course, I did geeky things over the weekend, too, because no live show that I’ve seen this year has actually been in my hometown, so an Arj-induced road trip was involved. (Woot woot—that streak ends next weekend when I see Demetri Martin Sunday night at Xavier University…in Cincinnati!)
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Written by suzemusings

September 9, 2009 at 6:22 am