Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

I Like Your Christmas Lights*

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I interrupt the Disney World trip report already in progress, which interrupts a summer road trip report already in progress, to bring you some Christmas cheer via local-ish Christmas displays I visited this season.

First up was a trip to Louisville the day after Thanksgiving. The main purpose of the trip was to give my niece her Christmas gift–tickets to Wicked.


While we were in Louisville, we also went to see Christmas at the Galt House. I really had no idea what to expect from this display, but was pretty blown away by it. *SPOILER ALERT* If you plan to see this and don’t want to know what’s in it, look away now.

Go on, look away.

OK, you’ve been warned.

The main part of the attraction tells the story of A Christmas Carol with larger than life figures and an enormous tent-like structure you walk through.


Old Scrooge, hard at work. You can see people in the background to give you an idea of the scale.


Love the Marley door knocker.



There were other activities here, as well, such as stations to make elaborate snowflakes and to get your picture taken in Santa’s sleigh with costumes. Also, our particular favorite, the Room of Gingerbread Houses, featuring this gem:


Notice that the Pope looks like a sailor and that there is a pizza on the Popemobile. Well done!

A couple of weeks later, we visited The Christmas Ranch near Morrow, OH. This is someone’s private residence, that for some reason has a little town of sorts, which is bedecked in about a million lights. We went on a Wednesday evening when it opened, so there were no crowds to speak of and it was really fun. I’ve read that it gets crazy crowded on weekends, when I imagine it is way less fun.

There were tons of cute little stores and vignettes, like this one:


Reindeer Barn


One of the many, many trees against the backdrop of the dusky evening sky.


It looked ominous, the but the weather was actually pretty pleasant.


The dining room looked like it was sprayed down with Christmas.


Santa was getting a little rowdy with a reindeer. (This Santa had some really creepy realistic eyes.)


According to the Fire Stoker on site, this same bonfire is kept going from the day after Thanksgiving until the end of the season.


This tree. along with the lights, is programmed to music. There were some cool  visuals!


Always need some evil, scary sheep in the live Nativity.


Santa du Soleil

It’s a cool display that I would highly recommend, especially if you go on a weeknight and try to avoid it after a rain as it looks like it could get quite muddy.

Have a fabulous Christmas!



*this is a quote from an old stalkery neighbor of mine

Written by suzemusings

December 24, 2015 at 2:12 pm

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