Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Brown Bobblehead

Local Color…Or Lack Thereof

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The past few weekends we have been on a quest to see some changing leaves. Maybe we are too early, but it seems like we usually have more color around these parts by now. Nonetheless, we’ve had some fun exploring local attractions (two I had never visited before).

We spent a long afternoon driving around the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I was inspired to become a rock climber! The Gorge is located in the Daniel Boone National Forest, so some of the roads to trails were closed when the gubmint was shut down for a few weeks. Otherwise, we could go pretty much anywhere, even the crazy scary Nada Tunnel.

There were so many signs warning of bears in the area that we were intimidated to venture too far on the trails. We did make lots of noise…sorry other hikers.


Hellloooo! Any bears in there?

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Written by suzemusings

October 23, 2013 at 12:20 am