Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘David Sedaris

An Evening with David Sedaris

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Is one evening really enough? I say no! But that’s all I got.

When I told friends that I paid $46 to hear an author read from his works, they thought I was crazy. But honestly, it was better than most professional plays I’ve seen. He’s that good.

The night? October 10, 2010. The Reds were playing. The Bengals were playing. The Aronoff even called to remind me that I might need to leave extra early to find a parking spot. There was an actual festive atmosphere downtown (as opposed to the creepy, desertedness I often feel when going to the Aronoff) that I think carried over to our little soiree with Sedaris.
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Written by suzemusings

December 12, 2010 at 5:02 am