Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘Epcot International Food & Wine Festival

Christmas at the Happiest Place on Earth 2015: Day 3

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Day 3: Eating in Beast’s Castle and Beasts in the Test Track Line

Prior to this trip, I had made several reservations for Be Our Guest. Early breakfast. Late breakfast. Middle breakfast. I couldn’t decide when I wanted to go. The night before I left, an early lunch reservation opened up, so I grabbed it. I would not have chosen this day for the Magic Kingdom (Monday, November 16)–it was an Extra Magic Hour day, and Mondays are generally busy MK days already. But, it’s the only day I could work in Be Our Guest, so I sucked it up and went on a busy day.

Having not gone to bed until after 2:00 a.m. following the Christmas party the night before, I contemplated going to the EMH, but went back to sleep. As it was, I didn’t even make it for park opening, but I was OK with that because I had done just about everything I wanted to the night before.

Since I had dropped my breakfast reservation, but I didn’t want to fill up before my early lunch,  I snacked on a Pop-Tart in the empty train station (the train wasn’t running, so no one was up there) before making my way to my first Fast Pass ride.  Read the rest of this entry »

Written by suzemusings

December 14, 2015 at 2:14 am