Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘High

Regional Theater Doesn’t Suck

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I caught two recent shows at Cincinnati’s Playhouse in the Park and one at the Actors Theater of Lousville. All were excellent, and if they were all still playing, I’d recommend them.

High: I got a free ticket to see this Kathleen Turner vehicle, and for the price, I cannot complain. Ms. Turner is no longer as stunning as she was in her younger days (was anyone more adorable than her circa Romancing the Stone?), but she still has the acting chops. It took a while to get past her voice (too Marge Schott for my taste), but once I got into the story, it didn’t bother me.

The plot was rather depressing, the ending not really satisfying, and the nudity seemed unnecessary to me. Yes, it definitely presented a certain level of shock value (the old people sitting around me at the Sunday matinee I attended audibly gasped), but it did not add to the story.
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Written by suzemusings

December 12, 2010 at 1:51 am