Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘HOHO Bus

It’s All London, Baby

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Another summer, another fun trip for the girls (my mom, my niece, me). This one started on a whim when my mom mentioned that she’d like to see England, the home to many of our ancestors, while she’s still young and healthy enough to enjoy it. So, we did some research to pinpoint exactly where we would go, and then it ballooned to a full-fledged vacation. We chose London as a base, then planned an overnight trip to Lincoln, which is near our ancestral stomping grounds. We also added in several day trips out of London. And we asked my niece if she wanted to go, too. Wouldn’t be a girls trip without her!

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Written by suzemusings

July 10, 2014 at 10:23 pm