Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘Little Venice

Look Kids, Big Ben, Parliament, Ash Cloud…

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The Conchords weren’t the only draw to London. They may have led to the trip happening, but I saw a whole lot more than sugalumps!

There was much anxiety in the weeks leading up to this trip due to the Ash Cloud of Doom. I was so, so fortunate to have slipped in and out between airport closures and never had a problem.

After my nightmare experience with Delta on my recent trip to New York, I approached this trip with some trepidation. But, there are so few airline options for flying out of Cincinnati. Plus, I DID have a $200 voucher. So, I sucked it up and flew to Atlanta, of all places, then on to Heathrow. I had absolutely no trouble. Thanks, Delta. I needed a smooth trip from you.

My friend met me at Heathrow arrivals. It’s been a loooong time since someone actually came inside an airport to pick me up. It was almost festive. We hit the Heathrow Express, grabbed a taxi, and were at her house in no time. We spent the afternoon running errands, hung out at the local pub in the evening, and I kept my eyes open until about 8:30 before going to bed, and I had no jet lag whatsoever. Nice!
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