Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘Marty McFly’s almanac

Christmas at the Happiest Place on Earth 2015: Day 4

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Day 4: A Disney Legend

Today was my last day, and I decided to spend it at my favorite park: Hollywood Studios. I know many people think this is a half day park with not much to do, and well, I guess it sort of was for me because I had to catch a flight, but I wanted to stay all day with plenty to do!

I was up pretty early (for me) and packed. I had hoped to put my luggage in my car and leave for the airport from the park, but it was getting pretty hot, plus I had no trunk to speak of in the rental, so I stored my luggage and took off.

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Written by suzemusings

December 28, 2015 at 11:07 pm