Suze Musings

I live life. Then I get sleepy.

Posts Tagged ‘Warren G. Harding bird’s nest

Back on the Train Gang

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Not to be outdone by his sister, my nephew got his own private vacay in July. As I have mentioned in previous posts, he is a huge fan of trains. So, we went to the train Meccas of Altoona and Scranton, Pennsylvania, with a few other sites thrown in for good measure.

Admittedly, I am not a train buff myself, but I enjoy these jaunts to train attractions because I see things I probably wouldn’t see otherwise, and there is usually a tie-in to something historical, which I do have an interest in. Everyone wins!

Day 1: We left on a Saturday afternoon and drove to Johnstown, PA, for the night. We had planned to take the incline and see the view of Johnstown below before turning in. However, we ended up parking at the top, which was good, because the incline was not working (and we found out the next day, had not been working for a while), but we still got to see the view and watch some fireworks off in the distance.
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